Computer Desks Standing Desks

Standing Vs. Sitting Office Desks – Which One Is Better For Your Health?

With the rise in popularity of standing desks, you may be wondering which is the best option for you – standing vs. sitting office desks.

The reality is that most office workers are still using the traditional office desks where they need to sit for prolonged periods of time. If you fit into this group, you already know that you need to keep moving as much as you can throughout the day and even still, it is easy to develop poor posture. No matter if you’re not sitting on a good ergonomic chair or if you already have poor posture habits, the truth is that back and neck pains tend to accumulate throughout the day, every single day. 


Looking for the best office chair for you?

With all this, is normal that office workers try to find new ways to work including standing desks. After all, when you are using a standing desk, you can stand instead of sitting. But is it such a good idea to stand for an entire day?

The reality is that most people still have a lot of questions and doubts about standing desks. So, today, we decided to make a standing vs. sitting office desks comparison and show you the pros and cons of both. Hopefully, at the end of this post, you will be able to figure out what is the best option for you. 

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Standing Vs. Sitting Office Desks – Which One Is Better For Your Health?


No matter if you are talking about standing or sitting office chairs, the truth is that they both have pros and cons.

#1: Standing Desk:

Standing Office Desk Pros:

  • Allows you to stand comfortably whilst working reducing back pain from slouching in chairs
  • Standing lowers your risk or weight gain and obesity by encouraging you to move more

Standing Office Desk Cons:

  • Often expensive to buy a high spec standing desk
  • Takes a long time to adjust to standing up for a few hours which can cause feet/leg/back soreness initially

Discover the benefits of a computer desk.

#2: Sitting Desk:

Sitting Office Desk Pros:

  • Having a sitting desk with an adjustable office chair can reduce back pain and neck strain
  • Sitting down for long periods of time reduce how effective your metabolism is which increases the risk of obesity and heart disease
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Sitting Office Desk Cons:

  • Inexpensive to buy, available in a variety of styles and color options to suit your workspace
  • Sitting down could increase your risk of cancer due to the lack of mobility.

These ate the 1 different types of office desks.

Standing Vs. Sitting Office Desks – Which One Should You Pick?


As you can see, both standing and sitting office desks do have advantages and disadvantages and only you can figure out which is the best option. However, you now know more about each type of desk and know what to expect from each one. 

In our opinion, the best thing you can do is to have both – a standing and a sitting office desk and alternate between the two during the day. This way, your body would be moving and you wouldn’t fee the pains and aches from either standing or sitting for a very long time. 

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